23 August 2008

lots of new foods

People would tend to say i am a picky eater. which is not a good thing when you are going to a new country... however, i have been quite brave to try new things and here is a brief summary of my thoughts!

for dinner the other night, the family asked if i liked salmon and i said yes because i do. typically i like teryaki salmon or something similar. i was expecting it to be grilled or something like what you get in a restaurant in america. well i was soooo wrong! it comes out on 2 plates and it is as raw as raw can be! not sure what to do, i watched the family. they took this pancake like thing and spread a white cream on it. then they piled the salmon on top. what did i do? the EXACT same thing. i was scared to death... but you know what? it was SOOO good. i actually enjoyed it a lot! i couldn't believe it.

then today they asked if i liked fish (in french, but i didn't know how to ask what kind of fish, so i just said OUI!). when it comes out they tell me its tuna. well i HATE tuna. i absolutely despise it. but what did i do? i watched them eat it and did the same thing. and you know what??? it was also good! not my favorite, because it was in a spicy mixture of tomatoes and capers, but it wasnt bad at all.

lunches are very different here. in america we tend to eat something light for lunch like a sandwich or salad or something. not here! they go all out for lunch. one day was beef and green beans and rice. another day was pork and salad and something else. it is very strange. but again i have enjoyed it!

my favorite thing about the eating so far is the CHEESE!!! (chris, i think of you every meal because i always eat cheese). i have tried a different kind of cheese each day so far. it is amazing. they dont eat it with the meal typically, but after. its almost like a dessert. it is delicious. i dont know exactly what kinds i have tried, but they are all great. the family is impressed because they say americans typically dont like the strong cheeses. but i do! so good.

and lastly, i LOVE sweets. chocolate, cake, cookies, pies, everything. i always have to finish my meal with something sweet. and as brandon would tell you, even if i am stuffed after eating a ton of food, i still have room for dessert. i tell him i have a second stomach for desserts. :) here they dont' eat much sweets. after a meal they have dessert but it is typically yogurt or cheese or fruit (or all 3). however they do have a bag of toblerones from their recent trip to argentina and occasionally they will have one after a meal. and by one, i mean a miniature one. i guess its good for me, and i'm actually getting used to replacing it with yogurt or fruit.

well that is all for now. keep checking for new posts. i don't get online as much as i want so some posts will be noted as being written earlier. much love to everyone! stay in touch!

au revoir!


Anonymous said...

Just wait until you try the pizza! I had some with calamari, not too bad, but not the pizza you might expect! Glad things are going well!

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun!!! So glad you got there ok, and seem to be having a good time. We are praying for you. Naomi misses you putting weird hats on her head.
:) Laura