27 August 2008

My First Friend!

Well I made a friend! The family i live with has friends next door that also have an au pair. they just had a baby so my family wanted to go see the baby and give them a gift. they took me with them so i could meet the au pair. the children told me to try and be friends with her so that they could go over and use the tennis court and swimming pool...:) they are funny. but anyways, the girls name is Mariam and she is british. she is 23 and has been working as their au pair since the end of May. Today we hung out and went into Paris for the morning. We got coffee and just walked around looking at stuff. It was fun to just talk about our backgrounds and our families and our experiences and everything else. We are going to do some other things too so hopefully this will be a good friendship. She knows some good places to shop for cheap stuff and get cheap food. i'm excited.

She is going to be going to the same language school as me too. She was going to one in Paris but when the mother of the family she is working for found out i was going to one closer, she had her switch to mine. so we will be able to walk to school together!

Here is a couple pictures of us out today:


Anonymous said...

Hey Joelle, I just read your blog and it sounds so exciting! I'm so glad you made a friend! The family sounds really great. We are praying for you! Can't wait to hear more of your adventure! Love you, Leah

Megan Langford said...

Yay for new friends!! You are going to have a terrific year, Joelle, I'm thrilled for you.