Mariam and I went out to a little cafe on Friday night and ordered a bottle of wine. You can't go to France and not drink their wine (at least I don't think so). So we walked around Le Vesinet (the town we live) and found that nothing was open or exciting at 9 at night. So we hopped on the train and rode up to the next town, Saint-Germain en Laye. There was 3 little cafes right in a row that had a lot of people at them. On the way walking to one of them I saw something on the ground and bent to take a closer look and what do you know it was 50 EUROS!!!! that was exciting. I looked around to see if anyone was looking for it but nobody seemed to notice. So after that excitement we carried on to the cafe and took a seat and patiently waited for our server. 15 minutes later we weren't so patient. Mariam asked someone but supposedly they were from a different restaurant and couldn't serve us. I dont know... so we went up to the guy at the door and asked for a table. He was very nice and sat us down and brought us a menu. We ordered our wine and sat there chatting and drinking wine for an hour and a half or 2 hours. it was absolutely lovely. we were sitting outside and the evening was quite comfortable. It was fun to just watch the other people around and try to listen in on conversations and catch whatever I could. After we finished, we walked through the town and decided to walk home because it was such a nice night. That turned out to take a long time but it was lovely and fun nonetheless. Here is a photo of us at our table:
I knew that I wanted to go to church this weekend but I wasn't sure where I was going to go. It is my plan to make a list of ones I want to try and just go to a different on each week. I had one all picked out for this week and had figured out how to get there and when it started and when I should leave and all those necessary details. Then it all changed. I had a friend in high school who introduced me to her friend that lived in France because I wanted to practice french with someone. Well this persons name is Max and he and I have stayed in touch kind of irregularly since then. He happened to find me online a week or so before I left and when I told him I was coming he said he'd help me find some people and a church in Paris. He lives in the south of France so I wouldn't be able to go to his church regularly! Anyways, he gave me the contact information for a girl named Emma who lives in Paris and goes to church here. I contacted her and she invited me to join her at her church and for a potluck afterwards. I was extremely excited. We made plans to meet outside the metro station right near the church and walk the rest of the way together. The church was little bitty. There were probably 45-50 people there and they met in a sort of classroom type room. Even before the service started people could tell I was visiting and began introducing themselves to me. they were so nice! The singing was so cool because obviously it was in french. Although I didn't sing along, it was cool to think about how God understands every language. The message was tough for me to follow because I still don't understand everything. I was able to understand what passage we were looking at and follow along in my Bible. After the message they did a bit more singing and then everyone stood around talking. I think I probably met every person at church! They were all so friendly and willing to meet me. The craziest thing for me was from the moment I said "Bonjour" they knew I was not french. They would ask me if I was english, or american, or just where my accent was from. I couldn't believe that they could tell from one word. To me I don't hear any difference. There were some people who wanted to practice their english with me and then there were some that didn't know any and it gave me a chance to try out my french. Overall it was good but it was intimidating because i didn't know anyone and i couldn't really communicate or comprehend. The biggest downside is that it took me an hour to get there. I am living just West of Paris and this church was in the North East, so it was a bit of a trip to get there. When I left Emma told me that she would like to have me come over to her house so that we can talk more personally and not be as distracted. I met her parents and her mom also invited me over. They seem very nice and I am sure I will see them again.
Today I went out for my first "driving lesson." The car is a stick shift, so I owe a big thanks to my family for strongly "recommending" that I learn to drive one. Driving is a bit crazy here in France. They don't seem to have lanes and everyone just sort of passes as they please and go where they want. I haven't quite figured it all out, but supposedly the person coming from the right always has the right of way. Which i think this is quite frustrating. Even just driving down a street, if there is someone on a side street, they have the right of way. in a roundabout, the person entering has the right of way unless there is a sign otherwise. and the signs are a whole different issue. they make absolutely no sense!!! Another thing that was hard for me is that they have no 'right on red' rule like in the states. I was at a red light and about to go and Severine said "No, never on a red light! It is forbidden!" So hopefully I don't make that mistake. There are also signs that mean you can't go down a certain street, but they dont have words on them. they are just signs. So I almost went down several "forbidden streets" which wasn't good. I think I will be okay, because the only time i will have to drive is if it is bad weather and the kids can't bike to school or if we need to go somewhere that is too far to walk. So i think i'll be okay. it was a little scary though. I'm just glad they drive on the right side of the road.
Well i was going to be done after my driving story, but as I was writing the doorbell rang and it was another au pair from down the street. She just arrived last night from Sweden and was told that there was another au pair here. So we chatted for a bit. Her name is Caroline and she seems sweet. she is 19 and is excited to be here. So hopefully i will get to know her more later.
Well this post is long enough now. Sorry for the lenght but I'm sure you enjoyed it. If not, then you wouldn't still be reading this. :) I hope everyone is well and I would love to hear from you!
Au Revoir!
Joelle! I love you and I love your posts. Soon I'll send an update email, I'm just trying to get school started and stay on top of it all. I miss you, it sounds like you are doing really well. I love that you are so close to Jonny Depp's house, wow!!! So fun. Love you lots, talk to you soon!
You look so... French :-)
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