this first picture is the house i am living in. it is kind of a strange shape and i haven't managed to get a good picture of it yet. i'll keep trying. the car out front is the one i will be driving. i think they are going to take me out this weekend to make sure i know what i'm doing before i drive the kids around.
The following house is a special one. it is about a 2 minute walk from my house and is on the way to the train station. the first time i walked there with the kids they pointed it out and told me that it is the house of Johnny Depp the actor! so that is quite exciting and i take an extra long look each time i walk by in case he is there so that i can say i saw him. i'm sure he isn't there much because he probably has houses everywhere, but it is still fun. :)
this is the lake that is across from johnny depps house and also on the way to the train station.
here is another picture of johnny depps house. its just from another angle.
here is another house in the neighborhood. nothing special witht his one.
the lake from a bit of a distance
another house
another house. i think this one is cute
one more house
this is a little bridge that goes over the lake to a restaurant.
and now here are some pictures of my living quarters:
this is my bedroom, mainly my bed.
another angle of my bedroom:
my shower... its pretty small
here is the rest of my bathroom:
well enjoy everyone. will post another blog soon!!!!!!!!
ahhhh so cool, i hope you meet him and get pictures. gorgeous area, with the little lake!
Tell Johnny I say wuzup.
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